Content Selling: How to Create Content That Gets Sales

Lucas James

Is your brand or business looking for an effective way to promote the conversion of more sales from leads but isn’t sure how to get started? Below, our team of referral automation experts from Twiz will explain the critical role that content selling plays in helping brands convert leads into sales while building stronger, more meaningful relationships with prospective clients. Please continue reading for more information, and also consider exploring our selection of other great sales, management, and marketing resources.
The Basics of Content Selling: What You Need to Know
Before we dive into how brands can effectively create content to promote content selling and convert leads, we need to explore the basics of content selling and why it’s so essential. Content selling involves using educational content during a follow-up process with leads to constructing a better, more trusting relationship that can eventually lead to more sales.
If you’ve operated within the content selling world for long, you likely know it usually takes between seven to twelve points of contact before you can get a lead to make a buying decision. Throughout this period, sales representatives should be sending a consistent and confident message to keep things rolling and ensure that your brand is on the top of prospective customers’ minds. Content selling helps address objections and concerns, offering guidance and providing unique insights into how your product or service can satisfy a customer’s needs.
In short, content selling involves incorporating content throughout an entire sales process to address issues or objections before they’re made while increasing the likelihood of a sales conversion.
Why is Content Selling so Critical?
Even in the current era of the internet, where so much is bought and sold online, one key rule remains; people buy goods and services from companies they trust and who offer the best solutions to meet a client’s needs. Content selling helps promote trust while moving the customer’s journey towards an eventual conversion. However, it also provides a range of other distinct benefits. For example, content selling;
1. Promotes the Support of Non-Decision Makers
A lot of times, the lead your brand works with isn’t the person to make the final call on a sale. By using quality content selling strategies with this person, you give them the information they need to present to the real decision-makers and encourage them to promote the sale. This tactic is essential in a business-to-business (B2B) setting since it can help produce more sales and better conversion results.
2. Keeps Your Brand on a Company’s Radar
Leads have to deal with many brands and businesses trying to sell their products, so it’s easy for them to forget you exist unless you stay in regular contact with them via content selling to provide valuable information. This tactic makes getting in touch with them easier when everyone is ready to do a sales call or finish a conversion. Additionally, content selling helps promote brand recognition, referrals to prospective new leads, and other critical elements of digital marketing.
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How to Leverage Content Selling for Better Conversions
Now that we’ve explored the basics of content selling and why it’s so critical for brands and businesses to leverage it with their prospective leads, let’s delve into how brands can leverage content selling as effectively as possible.
1. Consider Your Audience
Before you can leverage content selling strategies to improve conversions and promote sales, your brand or business needs to consider its ideal audience and who it’s interacting with regarding leads. Are you dealing with decision-makers directly or non-decision makers in a larger B2B environment who need as much information as possible to give their superiors?
These factors should offer a good idea of the kind of angle your content should take and the tone it should leverage.
2. Determine The Number of Contact Points it Takes to Close the Deal
Step two involves looking at past sales data for your business. Any data will do, though the best data will come from if you’ve worked with a specific company you’re trying to sell goods or services to before. Consider how many points of contact it takes for your sales team to close a deal, and develop a strategic roadmap of content you can create to address those touchpoints.
When leveraged effectively, a touchpoint strategy and quality content selling strategies can also reduce the time needed for clients to make a buying decision.
3. Create Effective Content and Automate it for Efficiency
Once you have a decent content selling strategy and contact point roadmap, your brand can start to develop a selection of compelling content. We recommend using an array of formats since some people and businesses respond to specific message types differently than others. Develop a series of emails with introduction and quick QNA formats, demonstration videos, and articles or blog posts on the effectiveness of your products and services.
The kind of content you make and its ideal format will depend on your brand’s niche, pricing, and other key operational elements.
4. Other Key Tips For Content Selling
Once all of your content is created and ready to start promoting lead conversions and sales, you can automate its distribution using top-quality customer relationship management (CRM) software. For example, you can automate a drip-feed of emails to go out to prospective customers or leads every week to encourage a sale and establish a better connection with prospective customers.
You can also leverage automation analysis to determine the success of your content selling efforts over time and make changes needed to promote success.

Promote Better Conversion Success With Twiz
Content Selling is a fantastic strategy that helps brands and businesses convert more leads and make more sales on their products and services by promoting a trusting bond and exchange of information with prospective customers. If you’d like to learn about how you can take better control over your conversion success in the future, please don’t hesitate to explore our website at Twiz to learn more about our services or book a demo!
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