10 Tips & Growth Hacks to Make Your Content Go Viral

Lucas James

Lucas James


Creating viral content is something that every marketer dreams of. Unfortunately, there isn’t a magic formula you can use to guarantee that your content will go viral. 

However, specific techniques will produce better results than others. Here are the top ten tips and growth hacks from Twiz to make your content go viral. 

1. Choose the Right Keywords 

Keywords refer to the search terms people plug into Google to find something. Keyword popularity is measured by how often people search for a specific word or phrase on the internet. 

You may think choosing the highest-ranking keywords is the best way to make your content go viral. However, this is not the case, as the highest-ranking keywords are also the most competitive. In other words, huge brands will likely use these keywords to drive traffic to their sites. 

Competing for keywords with large brands can be challenging, so we recommend going after keywords with low competition. You can use an SEO tool like SEMRush to find the right keywords for your brand. 

However, you want to be careful about your keyword placement strategy. Google does not appreciate keyword stuffing - i.e., shoving as many keywords into a post as possible to rank higher in the search results. Instead, focus on incorporating keywords naturally throughout your content. 

Picking a few keyword sets will also help you reach a diversified audience.

2. Write Captivating Headlines 

Most people don’t read online articles from start to finish. Instead, they scan the headlines to find the specific content they want to read. 

We recommend including an adjective, number, rationale, and promise when writing your headline. For example, “10 Best Scuba Diving Tips to Guarantee a Safe and Fun Time in the Water” is a great headline. If you’re writing about food, your headline could be “12 Mouth-Watering Chocolate Desserts You Can Easily Make at Home.”

3. Create Quality Content

You’ll never see viral content loaded with spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. Before you become too entrenched in optimizing your content, ensure the foundation is there

Before you begin crafting your content, think about your goals. Do you want to sell a product or service? Are you trying to raise awareness about the brand? Are you trying to start a discussion among your readers?

Whatever it is, the purpose of your content should always guide your writing. To make your piece more readable, you should also:

  • Eliminate any spelling or grammatical mistakes
  • Stay away from long words, sentences, and paragraphs 
  • Only include pertinent information - i.e., eliminate any fluff from your content

4. Incorporate Visuals 

Visual elements can take your content to the next level, as most people are visual learners. You don’t have to be a pro graphic designer to incorporate visuals effectively. 

A simple stock photo, infographic, or informational video can work wonders for your content. Visuals help to break up content, so it’s more digestible and gives your readers something else to focus on. 

5. Make Your Content Easy to Share 

Content goes viral when people share it over and over again. Therefore, it’s crucial to make your online content easy to share. 

Ensure to include highly-visible social media sharing buttons at the bottom of your posts. Include share buttons for Twitter, Pinterest, WhatsApp, Instagram, LinkedIn, Reddit, Facebook, and more. 

6. Keep it Short and Sweet 

Keeping your online content short and sweet is key to making it go viral. Most viral videos are under one minute, and most viral written content is under 1,500 words. 

While you may have a lot to say, keeping your content short will ensure people stay engaged with it from start to finish. If you need to, consider breaking up your content into multiple posts or videos to make it easier to digest. 

7. Include a Call to Action

Including a call to action is essential to ensure your content goes viral. A call to action refers to a light command at the end of your post telling the reader what to do next. 

Your call to action should be straightforward. Examples include:

  • “Click here to comment and share.”
  • “Click here to unlock your exclusive offer.”
  • “Click here to sign up now.”
  • “Click here to find out why XXX.”
  • “Click here to buy”

8. Comb Through Your Data 

Chances are, you have all the information you need to create a viral post at your fingertips. Head to Google Analytics to find out what content pieces are performing the best on your website.

This will help you understand the content your audience likes and dislikes so you can duplicate your success or improve upon past failures.

9. Know Your Audience 

Understanding your audience is crucial if you want to post viral content. You need to comprehend what your audience likes and dislikes and what triggers them emotionally. 

To better understand your audience, we recommend the following:

  • Checking out the competition to see how they’re engaging with consumers
  • Conducting focus groups and surveys
  • Creating a customer persona, including demographical information
  • Monitoring web traffic via Google Analytics

The better you know your branded audience, the easier it’ll be to create viral content

10. Work with Influencers 

Collaborate with SoME influencers to promote your content. Influencers spend a lot of time building a relationship with their audience, so people tend to trust what they have to recommend and say.

Find an influencer in your niche and reach out to them about collaborating on some content sharing. 

Time to Go Viral 

Incorporating these growth hacks into your content will help you go viral. Soon, thousands of people will be engaging with your content.

Lucas James

Hi there. My name is Lucas James. I am the CEO of Twiz. I am obsessed with software and coming up with creative ways to solve big problems.

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