Overcoming Rejection in Sales by Understaning Your Value

Lucas James

In a perfect world, no one would experience rejection. However, we live in a world of what is rather than what should be, and it's crucial to develop the skills necessary to deal with the less enjoyable aspects of life. Learning how to overcome rejection in sales by understanding your value is an essential skill for anyone working in a sales-orientated career.
Understanding your value as a salesperson will allow you to face rejection with your head held high and your positive attitude in check. There will always be times when rejection occurs, but it doesn't need to be a defining moment of your day or career.
Are you a dedicated salesperson struggling to come to terms with an occasional rejection? If so, you've come to the right place! We'll discuss in detail how you can overcome rejection in sales, and it all starts with understanding your value.
Understanding Your Value is Essential
No one becomes a salesperson by accident. You got into this field because you’re a driven, ambitious person who is excellent at relating to people and genuinely wants to meet their needs. Being a successful salesperson doesn’t mean you never experience rejection.
A successful salesperson will experience rejection and not allow it to deter them from their goals! Instead of becoming discouraged, consider it a learning moment and opportunity for growth.
Salespeople are incredibly skilled individuals who are ambitious, personable, and driven. You're a valuable member of your company's team, and it's essential that you feel appreciated.
Struggling with rejection is entirely normal. It's human nature, but there are ways to help yourself overcome the sting of rejection and move on.

How to Overcome Rejection In Sales
There are a large variety of ways you can help yourself overcome rejection. We understand how difficult it can be, so we created this guide! Here is our best advice for how to overcome rejection in sales.
Don’t Fear Rejection
The best thing you can do is learn to expect some rejection. It's going to happen occasionally, and sometimes it might feel like you're stuck in a rejection rut. A great way to help yourself deal with it is to stop giving the possibility of rejection power over you.
If you don’t fear rejection, then it won’t sting as much when it happens. Come to the realizationwith the idea that you’ll experience an occasional rejection, and let it roll off your back when it happens.
Do you want to learn how to be a better salesperson and how you can help your fellow salespeople? Head on over to Twiz to learn how we can help.
Learn From The Rejections
Experiencing rejection in sales can be challenging, but each rejection is a fantastic learning opportunity. Perhaps you began the sales call in a way that turned off your prospect, or maybe you didn't provide enough lead-up before launching into your sales pitch.
Maybe you're calling prospects at the wrong time or need to present your information differently, allowing your prospects to feel more in control of the process. Regardless of the reason for the rejection, it's a wonderful learning opportunity that can help you hone your skills and improve your technique.
Know It’s Not A Reflection Of You
Many salespeople take rejection personally, but it's important to understand that experiencing rejection is not a reflection of who you are as a person. Salespeople need to be able to distinguish personal things from business things.
A rejection is simply part of the business. It doesn’t make you any less competent or skilled as a salesperson. Instead, it indicates the need for a different technique or a better screening process for prospective clients!
Learning that rejection isn’t personal will free you from carrying the weight of that rejection with you. Remember, you don’t need to fear rejection because it creates wonderful learning opportunities.
Rely On Your Team
When rejection happens, many people withdraw into themselves. You may feel embarrassed to talk to your team about rejection, but this is actually the perfect time to communicate with your team.
You can talk to your coworkers about their previous rejections and ask them how they bounced back. It's also an excellent opportunity to have a fresh pair of eyes to analyze the rejection and help you understand what went wrong.
Your team can also be a great source of support during this time. They can offer you stories of their own experiences with rejection and tips on how they improved their sales pitch or moved on from the rejection.
Always Look Ahead
When you experience rejection in sales, it’s important to leave the past in the past. Keep your focus on the next prospect and the future. When you have a steady stream of prospects, it’s easier to overcome the sting of rejection because you can focus on being productive and meeting your goals.
You can take what you learned from your rejection and apply that knowledge to your future prospects. You don’t have to wallow in the rejection. Instead, use it as a springboard to launch you to your next success!
Network With Others
Sometimes, you can turn your rejection into someone else’s success. It’ll give you a boost and turn the experience from a negative into a positive one. Network with others in your field, so when you can’t properly meet a prospect’s needs, you can recommend someone else who can meet their needs.
This will work both ways, and the people you network with will send you potential customers when they feel you're better suited to meet their needs. It's an excellent way to stay connected to others in your field and help each other.
Are you ready to turn any rejection into another’s success story? Contact us at Twiz to learn how it works!

Know Your Value to Overcome Rejection
Rejection is a difficult experience for anyone, especially those working in sales. It can be a disheartening experience, but there are plenty of ways you can work to overcome the rejection. Understanding your value and learning not to fear rejection are the two most important steps. Now that you've read our detailed guide, you're on your way to becoming an expert at dealing with rejection.